

Nom is the name of a creature from Stephen R. Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series of books. It was a powerful figure; born in a sandstorm, utterly unstoppable, a destroyer summoned by the mention of its name. Nom was the incarnation of an irresistible force (as well as an example of incredibly evocative writing, I still experience a slight involuntary hesitation before saying the word out loud).


Kick the Can


An attempt to conjure the innocence and capriciousness of youth. And no, I'm not old enough to be one of the kids in the picture.





We are pattern-seeking animals. But sometimes this instinct leads us astray. Pareidolia is our perception of some random stimulus as significant - like seeing the Virgin Mary in a tortilla, or Jesus in the clouds.

The tune opens with a slow volume fade-in which is built over an ostinato track. This runs throughout, is most prominent at the beginning and end, and is composed of several lines that change volume in relation to one another as the piece progresses.


Some Hidden Soul Beneath

 "There is, one know not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seems to speak of some hidden soul beneath...all that we call lives and souls lie dreaming, dreaming still: tossing like slumberers in their beds: the ever-roiling waves but made so by their restlessness." - Herman Melville, Moby Dick.



Mad Jack's Mistress  


Just try to imagine pumpkins playing banjos.

And if you can figure out how that makes any sense please email me with the explanation. Hey, I just write 'em, I don't always know that they mean.




 This fusion piece features piano, organ and guitar. Along the way they introduce and explained upon some simple themes laid over a 7/8 time signature.

I always have fun taking some melodic idea or chord progression and varying it over styles and moods. This song is either an example of exploring the potential of a theme, or beating to death.




Din of Inequity


Yeah, it's a play on words, but it's also a serious attempt to represent musically what I hope is an inevitable march toward equality and freedom for all.

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." - Mahatma Ghandi    


Childhood Ends

This song was written as a tribute to some of my early influences, including science fiction, progressive rock, pop music and popular film. There are nods, by way of structure and instrumentation, and there are direct melodic echoes of familiar refrains. An enjoyable part of writing this was that the testimonial elements came naturally as a part of the composing and arranging process.




All music written and recorded by Robert Camp, © 2009